
Artists and Filmmakers

This program collects the works of a group of artists and filmmakers, young and old, presented in the format of a small retrospective or dedicated evening. The imagination and ideas invoked in these films have helped to shape dOCUMENTA (13) and operate as a form of advocacy for the artists and their ideas. Some of them are premieres or works in the exhibition.

The 100 days of dOCUMENTA (13) end with a week-long continuous screening of Albert Serra’s The Three Little Pigs (2012), an audiovisual portrait of three German historical figures—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Adolf Hitler, and Rainer-Werner Fassbinder—depicted at various sites in Kassel while engaging in conversations of historical record. The work is being shot every day of the exhibition and uses the city and dOCUMENTA (13) as its backdrop.





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