25 Oct 2010 /

after developmentalism and globalization, what?

By immanuel wallerstein

Keynote address by American Sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein at the conference “Development Challenges for the 21st Century,” Cornell University, Oct. 1, 2004; published in Social Forces 83:3 (March 2005), 1263–1278.

Courtesy of:

“In 1900, in preparation for the Exposition Universelle in Paris, the French Ministry of Colonies asked Camille Guy, the head of its geographical service, to produce a book entitled Les colonies françaises: la mise en valeur de notre domaine coloniale. A literal translation of mise en valeur is ‘making into value.’ The dictionary, however, translates ‘mise en valeur’ as ‘development.’ At the time, this expression was preferred, when talking about economic phenomena in the colonies, to…”

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