07 Jun 2012 /

SCEPSI: RUN Morphogenesis / MORPHE (Bifo, Hito Steyerl)

CONFERENCE / SEMINAR / 20:00 07 JUN 2012 / Ständehaus

The Postproduction of Bodies

A cut is a cinematic term. It separates two shots. It also joins two shots. It is a device that constructs cinematic space and time and articulates different elements into a new form.
A cut is obviously also an economic term. It refers to a reduction. In the context of the current economic crisis this mostly concerns government spending in welfare, culture, pensions or other social spending. It can refer to any shrinking in the size of ressources or allocations.
How do both of these types of cuts affect bodies? And which bodies? Are they affecting the bodies of artificial or natural persons, corpses or corporations? And what can we learn from cinema and it́s techniques of postproduction to deal with the effects of post-continuity cutting in the economic arena?

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