
The Art of Sahrawi Cooking: A Couscous Event

Every day of the opening week of dOCUMENTA (13), Robin Kahn and The National Union of Women from Western Sahara invite people into a large jaima—a typical Western Sahara tent for refugees sited in Karlsaue park—to eat couscous, drink tea, and talk about the current situation in Western Sahara. After these initial events, the tent will remain in the park, functioning as a research room and a tea place, displaying contextual information about the Western Sahara, the history of the territories, the refugee camps and the land-mined “Wall of Shame.”
On June 12, the jaima hosts a workshop and fashion show of the Sahara Libre Wear collection. Sahara Libre Wear is a clothing cooperative started by Spanish artists inside the refugee camps in Western Sahara and now run by Sahrawi artists. The fashion show is accompanied by live music from Young Refugee musicians Angustias García, Alonso Gil, and Esther Reguiera.


