- Alexandria - Cairo,
- Aschrott Fountain,
- Bali Cinema,
- Banff,
- Bolero Kassel,
- Breitenau Memorial,
- Brothers Grimm Museum,
- Department Store C&A,
- Department Store Galeria Kaufhof,
- Department Store Sinnleffers,
- Dock 4 - Halle,
- documenta-Halle,
- Dschingis Khan Restaurant,
- Fridericianum,
- Friedrichsplatz Parking Garage,
- Friedrichsstr. 28,
- Gloria Cinema,
- Grand City Hotel Hessenland,
- Handwerkskammer,
- Hauptbahnhof,
- Huguenothouse,
- Kabul - Bamiyan,
- Karlsaue Park,
- Kaskade Cinema,
- Neue Galerie,
- Obere Karlsstr. 4 (Ex-Bakery),
- Oberste Gasse 4 (Ex-Elisabeth Hospital),
- Off The Main Sites Venues,
- Orangerie,
- Ottoneum,
- Schlachthof,
- Spohrstr.7 (Ex-Finance Building),
- Staatstheater,
- Ständehaus,
- Untere Karlsstr. 14,
- Weinberg Bunker,
- Weinberg Terraces,
- Youth Library
Brothers Grimm Museum
The museum of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm is located in the Palais Bellevue, built in 1714 by Paul du Ry. It was commissioned by Landgrave Karl as an observatory, but soon was used as a residence.

Schöne Aussicht 2
34117 Kassel
number 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and RT4, RT5
stop: Rathaus
Bus d13 /
stop: Rathaus/Fünffensterstraße