

Acknowledging the rich cinematic history of Afghanistan, this program is part of dOCUMENTA (13)’s ongoing research and activities in the country. It presents films produced in recent times such as Three Dots, by Roya Sadat (2003) and Kabuli Kid by Barmak Akram (2008), but also looks back at films little known today, such as the first Afghani film Ishq Wa Dosti by Rashid Latifi (1946). It aims to show how, over time, the filmic record, whether fictional or documentary, can convey the values of a culture while also making a call to preserve its heritage. The program responds to a situation in which Afghanistan has recently been portrayed in the media only in terms of conflict, aiming to address the creativity and modernity of Afghanistan, and to broaden and shift the image that most people have of a war-torn country, which in actuality has a vibrant, textured, and complex life.


