Errki Kurenniemi's Electronic Music Studio was set up in 1962 with the
vision of an automated composition system. It included conventional studio
equipment such as tape recorders and the VCS 3 synthesiser, but the core of
the studio was unique. In the 1960's Kurenniemi built Integrated Synthesiser
and in the 70's, a series of custom built music instruments called DIMI.
DIMI-A and Dimix in particular gave the studio a distinctive sound.
Kurenniemi's designs and ideas anticipated modern studio equipment and music
making processes. For example, Dimix and Dimi-6000 were ancestors of
digital mixers and microcomputers, respectively. Moreover, in his idea of a
distributed computing environment from 1968, Kurenniemi foresaw modern
network-based music production techniques.
(Kai Lassfolk, as told to Joasia Krysa)