Over the divide of almost half a millenium, the protestant prophet Martin Luther and the french psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan can be brought into a conversation regarding the subject, thinking knowledge and faith. The split both posit between knowledge and truth (or faith) splits the subject itself in a way that allows for no reconciliation. One can think of the category of paranoia as the dimension of knowledge which is proper to human beings that "do what is in them", that adhere to the position of realizing their nature or capacities. Over and against this, the question arises as to another subject, a subject that is produced in relation to the signifier or revelation. Within a philosophical framework, it is this subject that thinks and which can only appear as disruption or interruption of the indivdual that knows and that knows itself. To open spaces for the thinking of this subject remains a task for both art and philosophy, yet without being simply a common denominator for both.
Reiner Schürmann, “The Ontological Difference and Political Philosophy,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Sep., 1979), pp. 99-122.
Reiner Schürmann, “Wie ich lerne, die Fäuste zu ballen“ Ursprünge, Berlin: Diaphanes, pp. 7-31.
Felix Ensslin is Professor for Aesthetics and Art Mediation at the State Academy for Fine Arts, Stuttgart. He is editor (with Marcus Coelen) of the book series "Subjektile" with Diaphanes Publishing, Berlin and member and co-founder of the group pli-psychoanalyse after Lacan. München, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Paris. He has curated art shows (a.o. between two deaths, ZKM Karlsruhe, 2007) Regarding Terror: The RAF - Exhibition, KW-Berlin, 2005), and directed stage plays (most recently Don Carlos by Friedrich Schiller at the German National Theatre, Weimar, 2009); Publications include Spieltrieb. Was bringt die Klassik auf die Bühne? (editor) 2006, and between two deaths. the catalogue, 2007. He has published many articles on aesthetics and the theory of the subject as well as on artists such as Rita Ackermann, Ulf Aminde, Guy Bar Amotz, Dor Guez, John Miller, etc. He has also contributed to publications such as POLAR, Die Zeit, Südeutsche Zeitung, etc. A book on Luther and Lacan is forthcoming with Diaphanes Publishing.